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跨国网络犯罪的增加使得跨境电子取证的实际需求日益旺盛,我国在2018年颁布了《国际刑事司法协助法》,目的之一是加强国际合作打击跨国犯罪,为我国履行国际条约义务提供法律依据。但在司法实践中,我国的跨境电子取证面临着理论困境和实践困境。网络主权、司法管辖权理论使得单边取证存在着非法性可能。传统跨境电子取证因数据本地化存储和"倒U型"取证结构而效率不高。现有的国际司法协助程序繁杂、时间冗长,无法满足打击跨境犯罪和电子证据取证的现实需求。因此跨境电子取证的简易程序构建具有必要性和紧迫性,对现有司法协助程序进行适当简化,遵循合法性原则和效率性原则,构建境内外双方执法者直接合作方式合法化、派员调查取证方式、建立个案电子取证协助机制三种途径。  相似文献   
在登记对抗主义之下,动产和权利担保登记的功能不在于创设一个新的权利,而在于为与担保人进行交易的第三人提供信息以及为确定竞存权利之间的优先顺位提供基础。如此,动产和权利担保登记系统应以声明登记制为基础而构建。《民法典》就动产和权利担保物权的功能主义立法方法为统一动产和权利担保登记制度提供了法律上的前提。在维持特殊动产、权利担保登记系统的前提下,统合没有所有权登记的标的物上的担保登记系统,并建立两大登记系统之间的电子链接。统一的动产和权利担保登记系统应是基于互联网的完全电子化的登记系统,其编制采取人的编成主义,并辅之以物的编成主义,涵盖所有在功能上起担保作用的交易类型。担保权人可以自主在线完成登记和查询,但为防止欺诈登记和虚假登记,担保人享有受领登记通知、请求注销或修正登记的权利,担保权人负有注销登记的义务。  相似文献   

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of the Scharff technique for gathering human intelligence, but little is known about how this efficacy might vary among different samples of practitioners. In this training study we examined a sample of military officers (n?=?37). Half was trained in the Scharff technique and compared against officers receiving no Scharff training. All officers received the same case file describing two sources holding information about a terrorist attack. University students (n?=?74) took the role of the semi-cooperative sources. Scharff-trained officers adhered to the training as they (1) aimed to establish the ‘knowing-it-all’ illusion, (2) posed claims as a means of eliciting information, and (3) asked fewer explicit questions. The ‘untrained’ officers asked many explicit questions, questioned the reliability of the provided information, pressured the source, and displayed disappointment with the source's contribution. Scharff-trained officers were perceived as less eager to gather information and left their sources with the impression of having provided comparatively less new information, but collected a similar amount of new information as their untrained colleagues. The present paper both replicates and advances previous work in the field, and marks the Scharff technique as a promising technique for gathering human intelligence.  相似文献   
目的 观察天河水穴在不同操作手法下的即时退热效果。方法 将94例患儿按年龄分为清天河水组、取天河水组及打马过天河组,通过测定患儿腋下体温、症状总积分和不良事件积分,评价3组临床疗效和不良反应。结果 治疗后3 h,打马过天河组患儿腋下体温及症状总积分明显低于其他两组(P<0.05),清天河水组、取天河水组患儿腋下体温及症状总积分的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);清天河水组、取天河水组不良事件积分均显著低于打马过天河组(P<0.05)。结论 3种手法均有退热效果,但打马过天河手法的即时退热效果最佳,但易造成皮损,清天河水、取天河水手法安全可靠,退热效果无差异。  相似文献   
While public opinion about foreign policy has been studied extensively in the United States, there is less systematic research of foreign policy opinions in other countries. Given that public opinion about international affairs affects who gets elected in democracies and then constrains the foreign policies available to leaders once elected, both comparative politics and international relations scholarship benefit from more systematic investigation of foreign policy attitudes outside the United States. Using new data, this article presents a common set of core constructs structuring both American and European attitudes about foreign policy. Surveys conducted in four countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany) provide an expanded set of foreign policy‐related survey items that are analysed using exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM). Measurement equivalence is specifically tested and a common four‐factor structure that fits the data in all four countries is found. Consequently, valid, direct comparisons of the foreign policy preferences of four world powers are made. In the process, the four‐factor model confirms and expands previous work on the structure of foreign policy attitudes. The article also demonstrates the capability of ESEM in testing the dimensionality and cross‐national equivalence of social science concepts.  相似文献   
To what extent do economic concerns drive anti‐migrant attitudes? Key theoretical arguments extract two central motives: increased labour market competition and the fiscal burden linked to the influx of migrants. This article provides new evidence regarding the impact of material self‐interest on attitudes towards immigrants. It reports the results of a survey experiment embedded in representative surveys in 15 European countries before and after the European refugee crisis in 2014. As anticipated by the fiscal burden argument, it is found that rich natives prefer highly skilled over low‐skilled migration more than low‐income respondents do. Moreover, the study shows that these tax concerns among the wealthy are stronger if fiscal exposure to migration is high. No support is found for the labour market competition argument predicting that natives will be most opposed to migrants with similar skills. The results suggest that highly skilled migrants are preferred over low‐skilled migrants irrespective of natives’ skill levels.  相似文献   
刑民交叉案件的处理涉及到程序和实体等方面,在审判实践中表现得十分复杂,文章立足于紧贴司法实务,从法院审判角度尝试架构我国刑民交叉案件的审理机制,以利于审判实践中既维护当事人的合法权益,又便于人民法院审理案件,提高对该类型案件的审理效率。  相似文献   
犯罪心理画像主要是运用精神分析、行为心理学的理论和原理对与犯罪有关的行为进行分析,以提供犯罪行为人最为可能的人格特征、心理特征、行为特征等信息,从而协助侦查机关确定侦查范围的一种技术和方法。近些年来,犯罪心理画像已越来越多的引起侦查学界的关注和兴趣。然而只有正确理解和把握犯罪心理画像的适用条件、研究方法、以及厘清刑事科学技术与其的关系,才能更好的将其应用于侦查实践之中。犯罪心理画像可适用于任何刑事案件,关键在于通过剖析、研究个案中犯罪行为人的心理,积累行为资料,为侦查实践提供理论支持和案例指导。  相似文献   
路遥笔下的高加林作为“城乡交叉地带”的知识分子典型,至今仍散发着特殊的时代魅力。高加林身在农村、心在城市的存在特征使他成为一代农村知识青年的代表,他在爱情方面的遭遇也是当时的突出问题。通过对高加林的心理欲望以及与刘巧珍、黄亚萍的情感纠葛进行解读,可以发现高加林在刘巧珍和董亚萍之间遭遇的取舍难定、藕断丝连的“红玫瑰与白玫瑰”悖论。  相似文献   
组织他人偷越国(边)境罪的"组织"包括集团犯罪、一般共同犯罪和单独犯罪,协助"组织"包括但不限于首要分子指挥下实施的拉拢、引诱、介绍;持用骗领的出入境证件而出入境属于"偷越",但要予以适当限定。本罪侵害的直接客体是我国的出入境许可制度,以被组织人通过实际国(边)界线或者边防检查为既遂标准。视不同情形,本罪与其他妨害出入境管理秩序犯罪分别形成牵连、吸收或者想象竞合关系。  相似文献   
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